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Zhongxiang Zhao

Principal Oceanographer

Affiliate Associate Professor, Oceanography





Department Affiliation

Ocean Physics


B.S. Physics, Shandong University, 1994

Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Delaware, 2004


Air–Sea Momentum Flux in Tropical Cyclones

The intensity of a tropical cyclone is influenced by two competing physical processes at the air–sea interface. It strengthens by drawing thermal energy from the underlying warm ocean but weakens due to the drag of rough ocean surface. These processes change dramatically as the wind speed increases above 30 m/s.

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30 Mar 2018

The project is driven by the following science questions: (1) How important are equilibrium-range waves in controlling the air-sea momentum flux in tropical cyclones? We hypothesize that for wind speeds higher than 30 m/s the stress on the ocean surface is larger than the equilibrium-range wave breaking stress. (2) How does the wave breaking rate vary with wind speed and the complex surface wave field? At moderate wind speeds the wave breaking rate increases with increasing speed. Does this continue at extreme high winds? (3) Can we detect acoustic signatures of sea spray at high winds? Measurements of sea spray in tropical cyclones are very rare. We will seek for the acoustic signatures of spray droplets impacting the ocean surface. (4) What are the processes controlling the air-sea momentum flux?

Monitoring Global Ocean Heat Content Changes by Internal Tide Oceanic Tomography

This study will obtain a 20-year-long record of global ocean heat content changes from 1995–2014 with a method called Internal tide oceanic tomography (ITOT), in which the satellite altimetry data are used to precisely measure travel times for long-range internal tides.

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29 Jul 2016

Ocean Heat Content (OHC) is a key indicator of global climate variability and change. However, it is a great challenge to observe OHC on a global scale. Observations with good coverage in space and time are only available in the last 10 years with the maturing of the Argo profiling float array. This study will obtain a 20-year-long record of global OHC changes from 1995–2014 with a method called Internal tide oceanic tomography (ITOT), in which the satellite altimetry data are used to precisely measure travel times for long-range internal tides. Just like in acoustic tomography, these travel times are analyzed to infer changes in OHC. This analysis will double the 10 years of time series available from Argo floats. More importantly, ITOT will provide an independent long-term, low-cost, environmentally-friendly observing system for global OHC changes. Since ocean warming contributes significantly to sea level rise, which has significant consequences to low-lying coastal regions, these observations have the potential for direct societal benefits. The project will communicate some of its results directly to the public. The team will make an educational animation showing how ocean warming is measured and how the novel ITOT technique works from the vantage point of space. This animation will be played for students visiting the lab, and in science talks and festivals in local K-12 schools. In addition, three summer undergraduate students will be trained in data analysis and interpretation, and poster presentation.

The analysis technique to be applied over the global ocean in this project is based on the preliminary regional analysis already conducted by this team. About 60 satellite-years of altimeter data from 1995-2014 will be analyzed. Specifically, it will (1) quantify annual variability, interannual variability, and bidecadal trend in global M2 and K1 internal tides, (2) construct the conversion function from the internal tide's travel time changes to OHC changes, and (3) construct a record of 20-year-long global OHC changes, and assess uncertainties using Argo measurements. The ultimate goal for this project is to develop the ITOT technique for future global OHC monitoring. This will improve our understanding of the temporal and spatial variability of global OHC, particularly in combination with in situ measurements from Argo floats, XBTs, and WOCE full-depth hydrography. The ITOT observations will provide useful constraints to ECCO2. The internal tide models may be used to correct internal tide noise in the Argo and XBT measurements. In addition, the monthly and yearly internal tide fields produced will provide constraints to global high-resolution, eddy-permitting numerical models of internal tides.


2000-present and while at APL-UW

Internal tides from SWOT: A 75-day instantaneous mode-1 M2 internal tide model

Zhao, Z., "Internal tides from SWOT: A 75-day instantaneous mode-1 M2 internal tide model," J. Geophys. Res., 129, doi:10.1029/2024JC021174, 2024.

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4 Dec 2024

Seventy-five days of sea surface height measurements made by the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission from 7 September to 21 November 2023 are used to explore SWOT's capability of observing internal tides. Mode-1 M2 internal tides are mapped by our updated mapping technique. SWOT-75d represents a 75-day instantaneous model. Nadir-30y is constructed using 30 years of nadir altimetry data from 1993 to 2022 and represents a climate normal. The nadir altimetry data in 2023 are used for model evaluation. Despite its large errors, SWOT-75d reveals the basic features of the global mode-1 M2 internal tide field, and causes positive variance reduction in regions of strong internal tides. Nadir-30y performs better overall, but SWOT-75d performs better in the tropical South Atlantic Ocean, the central North Pacific Ocean, and the Melanesian region. Evaluation using seasonally subsetted altimetry data reveals that M2 internal tides have significant temporal variations. SWOT-75d performs the best in fall, because the model is constructed using data largely in fall. SWOT-75d has large phase anomalies, which are spatially smoothed and used to adjust the phases in Nadir-30y. The phase-adjusted model can better make internal tide correction for SWOT and its performance is improved by 20%. Our results demonstrate that (a) mode-1 M2 internal tides can be extracted from 75 days of SWOT data by our mapping technique, and (b) the instantaneous internal tide model can be used to improve internal tide correction for SWOT.

Seasonal variability in the semidiurnal internal tide – a comparison between sea surface height and energetics

Kaur, H., M.C. Buijsman, Z. Zhao, and J.F. Shriver, "Seasonal variability in the semidiurnal internal tide – a comparison between sea surface height and energetics," Ocean Sci., 20, 1187-1208, doi:10.5194/os-20-1187-2024, 2024.

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26 Sep 2024

We investigate the seasonal variability in the semidiurnal internal tide steric sea surface height (SSSH) and energetics using 8 km global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) simulations with realistic forcing and satellite altimeter data. In numerous previous studies, SSSH has been used to explore the seasonal changes in internal tides. For the first time, we compare the seasonal variability in the semidiurnal internal tide SSSH with the seasonal variability in the semidiurnal baroclinic energetics. We explore the seasonal trends in SSSH variance, barotropic to baroclinic conversion rate, kinetic energy, available potential energy, and pressure flux for the semidiurnal internal tides. We find that the seasonal cycle of monthly semidiurnal SSSH variance in the Northern Hemisphere is out of phase with the Southern Hemisphere. This north–south phase difference and its timing are in agreement with altimetry. The amplitudes of the seasonal variability in SSSH variance are about 10%&$150;15% of their annual mean values when zonally averaged. The normalized amplitude of the seasonal variability is higher for the SSSH variance than for the energetics. The largest seasonal variability is observed in Georges Bank and the Arabian Sea, where the seasonal trends of monthly SSSH variance and energetics are in phase. However, outside these hotspots, the seasonal variability in semidiurnal energetics is out of phase with semidiurnal SSSH variance, and a clear phase difference between the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere is lacking. While the seasonal variability in semidiurnal energy is driven by seasonal changes in barotropic to baroclinic conversion, semidiurnal SSSH variance is also modulated by seasonal changes in surface stratification. Surface-intensified stratification at the end of summer enhances the surface perturbation pressures, which enhance the SSSH amplitudes.

Internal tide variability off central California: Multiple sources, seasonality, and eddying background

Cai, T., Z. Zhao, E. D'Asaro, J. Wang, and L.-L. Fu, "Internal tide variability off central California: Multiple sources, seasonality, and eddying background," J. Geophys. Res., 129, doi:10.1029/2024JC020892, 2024.

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8 Aug 2024

Two moorings deployed for 75 days in 2019 and long-term satellite altimetry data reveal a spatially complex and temporally variable internal tidal field at the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Cal/Val site off central California due to the interference of multiple seasonally-variable sources. These two data sets offer complementary insights into the variability of internal tides in various time scales. The in situ measurements capture variations occurring from days to months, revealing ~45% coherent tides. The north mooring displays stronger mode-1 M2 with an amplitude of ~5.1 mm and exhibits distinct time-varying energy and modal partitioning compared to the south mooring, which is only 30-km away. The 27-year altimetry data unveils the mean and seasonal variations of internal tides. The results indicate that the complex internal tidal field is attributed to multiple sources and seasonality. Mode-1 tides primarily originate from the Mendocino Ridge and the 36.5–37.5°N California continental slope, while mode-2 tides are generated by local seamounts and Monterey Bay. Seasonality is evident for mode-1 waves from three directions. The highest variability of energy flux is found in the westward waves (±22%), while the lowest is in the southward waves (±13%). The large variability observed from the moorings cannot be solely explained by seasonality; additional factors like mesoscale eddies also play a role. This study emphasizes the importance of incorporating the seasonality and spatial variability of internal tides for the SWOT internal tidal correction, particularly in regions characterized by multiple tidal sources.

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Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

