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apl-uw 2023 annual report  

people + projects  

The Laboratory is defined by the dedication of the staff and their commitment to its purpose and values. Together, we perform amazing feats of science and engineering. We identify and solve hard problems. We advance the underlying science then design, construct, and deploy technologies to test and apply that science. The evolution of solutions often spans disciplines and requires that basic research and its applications are advanced in parallel.

Our people are key to the Laboratory's success — pursuing scholarship, innovation, and applied solutions in a university setting on behalf of the U.S. Navy and all our research sponsors. Eighty years of achievement speaks to the quality and commitment of everyone at APL-UW.

Our identity among University-Affiliated Research Centers is unique in that APL-UW has combined basic and applied research under one roof throughout its history. The integration of scientific discovery and innovation, applied research, and technology development is sometime linear but often cyclical. When applied solutions confront operational limitations, our researchers can trace these back to a need to better understand underlying physics and then pursue these questions anew.

Shared in this ANNUAL REPORT are examples of how we succeed: pursuing discovery and innovation in tandem with applied solutions, developing and deploying novel technologies in challenging environments, and investing in our people, state-of-the-art facilities, and research support infrastructure.

predictable, reliable power from tides   relentless and rigorous trials train resilience  
ocean drones seek and measure methane plumes   miniature wave buoys dropped in paths of ferocious hurricanes  
from the beach to the sea and back again   ultrasonic shocks disrupt pancreatic tumor defenses  
ocean intelligence platforms for underserved coastal communities   apl-uw community  

research experiences for summer interns      

all apl-uw reports   want a printed report?  

Acoustics Air-Sea Interaction & Remote Sensing Center for Environmental & Information Systems Center for Industrial & Medical Ultrasound Electronic & Photonic Systems Ocean Engineering Ocean Physics Polar Science Center

